Introduction to OpenMP

  • A parallel programming model, an API

  • Comprised of

    • Compiler directives

    • Runtime Library Routines

    • Environment Variables

  • Programming Model

  • All OpenMP programs begin as a single process: the master thread. The master thread executes sequentially until the first parallel region construct is encountered.

  • FORK: the master thread then creates a team of parallel threads.

  • JOIN: When the team threads complete the statements in the parallel region construct, they synchronize and terminate, leaving only the master thread.

  • Compiler directives statements (start with#pragma omp) tell Compiler that here follows a parallel region

    • a parallel region is bounded with{ }

  • Runtime Library Routines can give you some information about your environment

    • omp_get_thread_num(). Tells the thread id of the current thread.

    • omp_get_num_threads(). Tells the total thread number. If you don't tell Compiler how many threads you want to have in your program, it will be the number of your cores by default.

    • ... you can find more on the internet about this.

  • Environment Variables tell Compiler that some variables are public and some variables are private.

    • As OpenMP is a shared memory model, variables are shared by threads by default.

    • You can define private variables

      • usingprivate()statement.

      • Notice that all variables defined in the parallel region are private variables.

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