ABA problem

ABA problem

ABA Problem Solutions

The root solution to ABA problem is that we should defer reclamation while other threads are holding the node or we should have a way to identify the difference between the old node and the new node.

There are several solutions to the ABA problem, for the details, you can see this link. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ABA_problem

Here, I would introduce a common solution for you.

A common workaround is to add an extra "tag" or "stamp" word to the quantity being considered. For example, an algorithm using compare and swap on a pointer might use a "tag" to indicate how many times the pointer has been successfully modified. Because of this, the next compare-and-swap will fail, even if the addresses are the same, because the tag word will not match. This is sometimes called ABAʹ since the second A is made slightly different from the first.

Here, we solve the ABA problem by using the above solution. We reconstruct the stack by adding a "tag":

typedef struct _lfstack_t
    int tag;
    Node *head;

Every time when we use the pointer, we will increase the "tag" by 1.

void lfstack_push(_Atomic lfstack_t *lfstack, int value)
    lfstack_t next, orig = atomic_load(lfstack);
    Node *node = malloc(sizeof(Node));
    node->data = value;
        node->next = orig.head;
        next.head = node;
        next.tag = orig.tag+1; //increase the "tag"

int lfstack_pop(_Atomic lfstack_t *lfstack)
    lfstack_t next, orig = atomic_load(lfstack);
       if(orig.head == NULL)
            return -1;
       next.head = orig.head->next;
       next.tag = orig.tag+1; //increase the "tag"
    printf("poping value %d\n",orig.head->data);
    return 0;

Don't forget to change the initialization of the stack.

_Atomic lfstack_t top = {0,NULL};

You may meet the error "undefined reference to __atomic_compare_exchange_16" when you compile the code. If so, compile your code with -latomic

gcc -std=c11 -pthread -o my_new_stack my_new_stack.c -latomic

Now, when we run the program again, it will not print any error information. Here is a C library called liblfds, https://www.liblfds.org/, a lock-free data structure library written in C. If you don't like to write the lock-free data structure by yourself, you could use this C library.

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