Enter into AWS Console

We will learn how to enter into AWS Console with free resources

AWS Academy Learner Lab - Student Guide.pdf

You can follow the instruction of the Student Guide (the above file). Here are some takeaways:

  1. Go to course page and click Course -> AWS Academy Learner Lab [69419] -> Modules -> Learner Lab

  2. Click Start Lab and wait for the dot next to AWS to turn green from red.

  3. Click AWS and you will be forwarded to AWS Console.


  1. "Can not connect" error after clicking Start Lab => Refresh your web page and do again.

  2. Waiting too long after clicking Start Lab => Refresh your web page and do again.

  3. Other errors => Try refresh and re-do first.

  4. If refresh doesn't help, change to another browser. (According to our test, Chrome (normal mode instead of private mode) is Ok but Safari is not.)

Last updated