Test the program locally

In directory ~/ray-labexecute the following command to launch the program

python main.py

The following output should be prompted (initially one default chatroom with 3 users are created):

2021-03-01 23:43:16,670	INFO services.py:1092 -- View 
      the Ray dashboard at
(pid=112598) Created UserActor for user user2
(pid=112598) user2 join chatroom ActorID(df5a1a8201000000)
(pid=112577) Created UserActor for user user1
(pid=112577) user1 join chatroom ActorID(df5a1a8201000000)
(pid=112614) Created UserActor for user user0
(pid=112614) user0 join chatroom ActorID(df5a1a8201000000)
Action 1: Send a chat 'Hello world' from specific user 
Action 2: Create a new chatroom with 3 users
Your choice (1 or 2): 

You can try Action 1 and Action 2 through the CLI.

Monitor your distributed application through Ray's dashboard

Ray provides a dashboard. Go to URL

The dashboard provides different useful information such as the Actor allocation and logs.

Note: If you are running docker in node-1.cse.cuhk.edu.hk instead of your own machine, the URL to the dashboard will be: `node-1.cse.cuhk.edu.hk:8265`

[If you want to use the url, you need to first open and terminal and run the following command, before you open the above URL on your own machine.]

// forward the port of node-1 to your own machine
ssh -N -f -L localhost:8266: your-cse-account@node-1.cse.cuhk.edu.hk

Last updated