Before deploying your smart contract, you need to establish an environment for running the smart contract. You need to create a Fabric Channel and join all peers to your Fabric Channel.
In terminal 1, execute the following commands to create a Fabric Channel ${USER}-channel
#Configure a channel
configtxgen -profile AppChannel \
--configPath ${FABRIC_CFG_PATH} \
--channelID ${USER}-channel \
-outputCreateChannelTx ~/channel.tx
#Create a new channel (with a genesis block)
peer channel create -o node-1:7050 \
--channelID ${USER}-channel \
-f ~/channel.tx \
--outputBlock ~/channel.block
#Let peer node-1 join the newly created channel
peer channel join -b ~/channel.block
#Verify if your Fabric Channel is on the list
peer channel list
In terminal 2, join the newly created channel (via the ~/channel.block; shared in your home directory)
#Let peer node-2 join the newly created channel
peer channel join -b ~/channel.block
#Verify if your Fabric Channel is on the list
peer channel list
Do the same in terminal 3
#Let peer node-3 join the newly created channel
peer channel join -b ~/channel.block
#Verify if your Fabric Channel is on the list
peer channel list